If you would like to book a table, we take bookings via telephone only on 023 8178 1611 during our opening hours. We do not take bookings within 2 hours of arrival. We always limit the number of booked tables at any one time as walk-ins are always welcome and encouraged! When we are busy, we will seat you as soon as possible and usually within 10 minutes if you don't have a booking.
Bookings and walk-ins are for a standard duration of up to 1.5 hours and we may have to politely remind guests of that if that time has been exceeded and the cafe is busy with other guests waiting to be seated. This won't always be a popular policy to have but the reason is that we will always seek to make space for everyone and is essential to ensure business viability. Thankfully it isn't usually an issue but we thank you in advance for your understanding and support of this as we try to find our feet in this tough economic climate for everyone.
We are so happy to welcome dogs into the cafe, and actively encourage you to bring them in! We have loved getting to know your four legged friends! We have water bowls too, if you'd like one, please just ask!
We would just ask that you consider if your dog is happy and comfortable to be in a noisy environment, often filled with children and other dogs too. If your dog could find this environment scary or overly exciting, we would ask you to be mindful of that when making your decision. If your dog/s are likely to jump up, bark or be distressed then perhaps we are not a suitable environment for you. We have health and safety and food hygiene factors to consider so appreciate your co-operation on this.